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Before Your Eyes Mini Review

Before Your Eyes by development studio GoodbyeWorld Games was released back in 2021 as a PC release which garnered an overwhelmingly positive reception on Steam. Now, thanks to PlayStation VR2’s eye-tracking feature, the game has been re-released with the technical hardware it deserves.

This passive experience is only around two hours long but will stay with you for a very long time. Here is our bite-sized review of Before Your Eyes.

Before Your Eyes


Before Your Eyes places you in the shoes of Benjamin, who is on a boat a wolf called The Ferryman after passing away. The Ferryman is tasked to bring you to the Gatekeeper for judgement, where if deemed worthy enough, will be allowed to enter the Gatekeeper’s Paradise. Before this happens, you need to recount your memories by blinking so the Ferryman can persuade the Gatekeeper to let you into the afterlife.

The narrative in Before Your Eyes is an emotionally-charged, tear-inducing VR masterpiece that had me emotionally exhausted by the end of it. But it’s definitely worth it. GoodbyeWorld Games have accomplished a massive feat by allowing the player to become emotionally attached to Benjamin and his family in such a short time span. By the end of the journey, I felt like I was a part of the family.

Choices do make influence some parts of the narrative, which allows replayability, but ultimately it does not seem to impact the outcome of the story.

Before Your Eyes


PlayStation VR2’s eye-tracking was made for this game. I would argue that PSVR2 is the best way to play this game. I can see the game retaining it’s impact in the PC version of the game, but I imagine PSVR2’s impact would be greater. This eye-tracking technology is far more impressive once you experience it, and the developers have utilised it masterfully. Each memory through Benjamin’s eyes is played out in front of you where you can interact with people, animals, and objects through blinking. 

Life literally flashes before your eyes in Before Your Eyes, as these memories can be cut short just by blinking. Blinking can fast forward 5 minutes, 5 days, or even 5 years. I was absolutely devastated every time I accidentally blinked before a precious memory was finished. If a memory was too long, I was forcing my eyes open just to see what unfolded next. I wanted every detail of Benjamin’s life because that’s how invested I became.

Before Your Eyes

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Before Your Eyes is an emotional and essential PlayStation VR2 experience with a heavy impact that will stay with you for years to come. GoodbyeWorld Games have masterfully crafted a unique VR experience that will set a benchmark for story-driven games in the virtual reality space.

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