May the 4th be with you….always. Happy Star Wars Day from the team at NextPlay to you and your loved ones. It happens once a year when Star Wars fans all get together and embrace the fandom of one of the longest-running multimedia franchises in the world.
We here at NextPlay love to talk and write about games so we will be listing below the best Star Wars games to have ever released, or, our favourite ones, at least. Whether this be from a pure gameplay perspective, amazing storytelling or just hit us in the feels, Star Wars can touch so many people across the world.
So without further ado, we present to you, the NextPlay team’s favourite Star Wars games over the past years! (That’s right, the first-ever Star Wars game was released back in 1982).
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Mikey’s pick

I have been a long-time lover of the Star Wars franchise, thanks, Mum! So I’ve played my fair share of games. While it would be an easy answer to select KOTOR, I have to go with the first game that ever captivated me and introduced me to the gaming community of Star Wars games – Star Wars Jedi Knight II – Jedi Outcast
This action game not only told a compelling story in the now-known ‘Jedi Legends’ tales but also incorporated first-person shooting and Lightsabre gameplay. I remember starting this game off and thinking there was no Jedi action and it was just a first-person shooter. That was until I leant it to my mate and he was raving about it. I immediately asked for it back (once he finished of course) and played it through and was amazed by the entire package.
Once I was done my mate also encouraged me to check out the multiplayer aspect of the game too. We would then catch up on a nightly basis putting out Light Sabre skills to the test against players across the world and then even joint a clan. It was truly amazing how awesome the community was around this game.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
Brad’s pick

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor was one of the best games of 2023. Respawn took Fallen Order’s formula and perfected it to produce what could be considered one of the best Star Wars games ever released.
The intense storytelling, incredibly polished combat, and unforgettable cinematics drew players in to create an engrossing gaming experience. Cameron Monaghan’s performance was a standout among the brilliant cast.
Here’s an excerpt from my review last year:
“[Jedi: Survivor] is one of the most captivating and emotional narratives set in the Star Wars universe that we’ve seen in the last few years. The pacing of the story is superb and allowed me to feel engaged with the unpredictable story the whole way through. Outside of the main Star Wars films, Cal Kestis’ narrative is my favourite alongside the events in The Mandalorian and Star Wars: Andor.”
>> Read our Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Review
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Berto’s pick

KOTOR- Knights of the Old Republic. One of the best RPGs ever made set in the world of Star Wars, 4000 years before the original movies. An amazing story, with a unique and interesting set of characters. Even with today’s standards of gaming KOTOR still stand out from the pack as a pioneer of its genre! With high replay value, cannot recommend this game highly enough.
Star Wars: Yoda Stories
Nate’s pick

Yoda Stories is possibly one of the worst Star Wars games you could ever play, yet it still has a special place in my heart. Developed in 1997 for Windows, then ported to Gameboy by Aussie developer ‘Torus Games’ – this simple, inelegant game featured horrible combat, confusing level layout, and an archaic password save system.
It was also one of only three games young, poor, 6-year-old Nate had to play – and play it he did. Considered playable Yoda Stories may not be nowadays, but exceptional it will always be to me.
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Wii)
Hannah’s pick

As someone who is quite an avid fan of the Star Wars franchise, I must say I’ve always struggled to get into the video game sector. Yeah, my brother and I would fight over who’s turn it was on the PS2 for The Forced Unleashed but that was very short-lived!
However, that all changed when I played Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga on the Wii! The Lego games in my humble opinion were at their peak on the console and The Complete Saga is the Crème de la crème when it comes to the Lego games!
The banter, the silly little memes, and the reimagined story cutscenes all add to the charm and perfectly capture the essence of the lighter side of the series whilst still staying true to the story.
With a plethora of playable characters to choose from and unlock along the way as well as a co-op mode (as frustrating as it can be in the Lego games) – The Complete Saga is the gift that keeps on giving.
And the best part is, you can relive all of that, plus the sequel trilogy story in the Skywalker Saga which was released for current-gen consoles back in 2022!
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Wii)
Star Wars: Battlefront II
Jamie’s Pick

Star Wars Battlefront II I don’t spend a lot of time with online multiplayer shooters these days, simply due to the fact I don’t possess the time required to compete with others online. However, a few years ago I found myself completely addicted to Star Wars Battlefront II. This instalment in the Battlefront series was addictive, exhilarating, and constantly delivered memorable battles across the land or sky.
This was a multiplayer experience I dedicated a lot of time too, even earning the Platinum Trophy along the way. I adored the space levels, which offered intense dogfights among the stars as you fought against other players. Being able to out manoeuvre an opposing pilot to eventually take them down was extremely satisfying, and I always found myself having cat-and-mouse battles with opposing players that would make the matches fly (pun intended) by in an instant.
Star Wars Battlefront II offered that same intensity during land-based combat, with strategic trooper vs trooper gameplay across the battlefield. I personally loved being able to get the drop on an enemy vehicle, and there was always a great sense of pride when you were able to avenge a fallen comrade by taking out a massive tank that was laying waste to your team.
Star Wars Battlefront II was a fantastic game and was even more fun when playing with friends. I would be willing to take the time to invest in a Star Wars Battlefront III if it is ever released.
What do you think are the best Star Wars games? Let us know in the comments!